Summer Festival
The sun was out for the annual Esher Summer Festival.

Summer Festival raises £2.5k for ECAT
To celebrate the end of another college year, the sports field was primed ready for an afternoon of food, fun and music.
The Big Wheel and the Spinner were back, and for the first time ever students could enjoy unlimited rides on the dodgems too.
Organised by the Student Union, the festival also had a fantastic Open Mic session where music students performed a range of styles and music on a stage throughout the afternoon.
Thanks to our food suppliers; Caterlink, Dough Shack, Spice Cottage and the Happy Hill Kitchen who helped create a festival vibe.
The Summer Festival raised more than £2,500 for ECAT, the Esher College Africa trust, which goes towards supporting AIDS orphans with their education at a rural school in Zimbabwe.