Class of 2023 – Off to Uni with Flying Colours
Esher Sixth Form College is delighted to report a 98.1% pass rate at A Level (58.4% A* to B), with students studying BTEC courses also achieving excellent results, and 270 students attaining a distinction or distinction* grade.
It means that an incredible 760 students have secured their first choice and are off to their choice of university or art foundation.

The achievement of our students is remarkable, especially considering the challenges they faced in undertaking their GCSE’s during the pandemic.
Dan Hards, the College Principal, said, “I would like to congratulate our students and their teachers on Esher Sixth Form College’s excellent 2023 examination results. Nationally, A Level and BTEC grading have returned to pre-pandemic standards and whilst there was protection built in across the country, results are lower this year than in the previous three years. To achieve such strong examination results in these circumstances is a huge credit to the whole College community. We wish all our students success as they move on to their next destination, whether this be higher education, employment, training, or an apprenticeship.”
Read some of our student success stories below:
Student Success Stories
Read some of our student success stories and hear about their plans for life After Esher.
Martha - off to Leeds to study History and Sociology

Martha, previously at Coombe Girls’ School, was delighted with her results after achieving two A* grades in Sociology and Media Studies, an A in History and an A* in her Extended project Qualification. Martha says, “All the teachers at Esher have been so supportive and have helped me to secure my place at the University of Leeds to study History and Sociology.”
Athyab - off to LSE to study Management

Athyab, formerly at Thomas Knyvett College, says, “When I saw my results this morning and my place at LSE to study Management was confirmed, I was so pleased! These results are the culmination of two years of hard work.” Athyab gained an A* in Maths, and three As in Computer Science, Economics and Further Maths.
Eda - off to Central Saint Martins to study Industrial Design

Eda came to us from Teddington School and gained two A* grades in Fashion and Textiles, and 3D Design, and a C in Media Studies. Eda says, “I couldn’t have achieved these grades without the support from all my teachers at Esher. I am looking forward to studying Industrial Design at Central Saint Martins.”
Lucy - off to Southampton to study Geography

Lucy came to us from Thamesmead School, and is off to study Geography at the University of Southampton. She says, “Thank you so much for all of the support I have received over the last two years “. Lucy gained two As in Geography and Psychology, and a B in Biology.
Finley - off to Sussex to study Computer Science

Finley, previously at The Magna Carta School, achieved a B in 3D Design, a C in Computer Science, and a B in Maths. Finley, who is off to the University of Sussex to study Computer Science says, “Everyone was so supportive when it came to finding a place at university. The help that I received with the application process was fantastic!”
Max - taking a GAP year to apply for Medicine

Max who came to Esher from Claremont, achieved three A grades in Biology, Chemistry and Maths. Max, who was Vice President of the Student Union, says, “I’ve really enjoyed my time at Esher Sixth Form College. I am now planning to take a GAP year and apply to study Medicine in September 2024. In the meantime, I am hoping to get a job at Kingston Hospital.”