An example day in Louis's timetable

Travel to College
Louis lives in Wimbledon and gets a direct train to Thames Ditton from home. It only takes about 20 minutes to get to College.

Period 1 - Fine Art
I loved GCSE art, so I was particularly excited to study it at A Level. I have been working hard to further to develop my skills as an artist and explore new ways of working. The studio is well-equipped, and I particularly enjoy working with acrylics, oil pastels and oil paints.

Break time and the chance to dash to the cafe and grab a snack or just chill outside in the sun for a bit.

Period 2 - Fine Art
Madeleine, my teacher, is really supportive and challenges us to push our ideas and experiment with a range of media. I am also enjoying learning about art history.

Period 3 - English Literature
I really like the texts we are studying – Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and then for a different change of pace Nervous Conditions – a coming-of-age tale by a Zimbabwean author Tsitsi Dangarembga.
The workload is very manageable, especially when you have a strong interest in the subject. I’d actually like to have more essays to do.

Period 4 - Jazz Band
I quickly grab something to eat from the cafe and then it’s over to the music department for Jazz Band.
I joined the Jazz band at College as my Extension Study. I play the drums and the band meets once a week. I like that I can develop my skills and we have a lot of fun too. The band is asked to perform at College events such as Opening Evening and we also take part in the monthly Open Mic at College.

Period 5 - Private Study
I like to use the LRC for some of my independent study periods as apart from being a peaceful and quiet place to study it’s stacked with a huge number of resources. I was after a specific book recently and the LRC ordered it in for me straightaway.

Travel Home
I will usually leave College at this time to continue my study at home. I really like having the flexibility to manage my own studies and personal time.