Esher Sixth Form College is delighted to announce that following an Ofsted inspection in September 2022, the College has been graded ‘Outstanding’ in all areas of provision.
The report has been welcomed by Dan Hards, Principal of Esher Sixth Form College, who says, “I am delighted that this report reflects the College we all know well and it is testament to all the hard work and commitment that our staff have invested into the College, and its community, over the years.”

The final gradings are as follows:
- Overall effectiveness: Outstanding
- The quality of education: Outstanding
- Personal development: Outstanding
- Behaviour and attitudes: Outstanding
- Leadership and management: Outstanding
- Provision for learners with High Needs: Outstanding
- Education Programmes for young people: Outstanding
The Ofsted inspectors said that students in the College have “exceptionally positive attitudes towards their education,’ and that as a result, “learners are highly motivated, committed to their studies and thoroughly enjoy their time at Esher Sixth Form College.”
What Ofsted said:
About our students:
“Learners thrive in, and value, the inclusive and respectful culture staff create.”
About our learning:
“Teachers explain new concepts to learners clearly and use a wide range of inspiring activities to enhance learning.”
About our staff:
“Staff are proud to work at the College. They value the supportive and respectful culture and inclusive environment, which leaders work hard and successfully to create…. Staff feel valued and thoroughly enjoy working at Esher Sixth Form College.”
About our learning support:
“Teachers and mentors understand learners’ support needs extremely well…. As a result, learners with support needs rapidly gain confidence, independence and employability skills.”
About the College:
“Leaders have ensured that all teaching is of high quality.”
For the Full Report visit Ofsted 2022