Online Subscription Resources for History
When you join Esher Sixth Form College as a student you will have access to the following online resources:

Proquest Ebook Central
Ebook Central is designed with mobile in mind. Access the site from your tablet or phone, and download e-books for offline reading. This resource provides a selection of the Access to History books. The content is exactly the same as the printed books.
Hodder A Level Magazines (Philip Allan Magazine Archive)
Philip Allan Magazines provide a wealth of resources that are ideal for challenging subject knowledge and preparing students to excel in exams. Here you will find the Modern History Review archive. You can click on the magazine and select the edition you would like, or use the search box at the top and search for a topic and then select filter by subject: History
This fabulous resource gives you access to lectures from experts in their field. Massolit contains video lectures from academics across six key subject areas, including History. These are aimed specifically at A level students. Click on ‘Browse lectures’ you can then either download a full list of courses and lectures or search by text/author/topic. When you click on a topic it will provide you with an overview of the contents so you can decide if it will be useful and which parts to watch.
History study Centre
History Study Centre provides over 40,000 documents and articles, with over 50 reference works, 3,000 images and links to 2,000 Web sites. It has additional reading and images about a wide number of History topics.
BoB – Learning on Screen
On demand TV and Radio for Education. This academically-focused system allows staff and students, at subscribing institutions, to record programmes from over 75 free-to-air channels; and search an archive of over 2.2 million broadcasts. You can search for programmes (try Witch craze), use the TV guide, or try searching by selecting “Public Playlists” first, and then type in History. You will then get access to some great playlists for History created by teachers and lecturers at other Colleges and Universities.
Proquest Historical Newpapers
This resource includes:
British Periodicals: This database provides access to the searchable full text of hundreds of periodicals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth, comprising millions of high-resolution facsimile page images. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the social sciences, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture.
Historical Newspapers – The Guardian and The Observer: This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. Coverage: 1791 – 2003
History Today
History Today archive, which contains everything we’ve published since the magazine was founded in 1951, along with articles published in our student-focused title History Review.