Maths, Science and IT
Our Wider Skills Week courses for Maths, Science and IT cover a range of topics and interests – from exploring the natural world with memorable trips to Kew Gardens and the Natural History Museum, to adventures in the world of chemistry, physics and engineering.

Adventures In The World Of Chemistry

You will take part in a range of activities and trips such as a visit to Fuller’s Brewery, a university day, an interactive session with chemist and author Dr Kathryn Harkup and a trip to Wellcome and the Royal Society of Chemistry museum.
Carbon Literacy Project

Carbon Literacy: “An awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis.”
Take part in a range of activities to raise awareness of carbon literacy at college, at home and in your local community. You will get chance to research, discuss and present to the group.
A final piece of written work will required to gain certification.
Exploring The Natural World

Over the 3 days you will be exploring in detail the anatomy, behaviour, physiology and evolution of a range of different organisms (including handling some unusual species). You will also have several opportunities to learn about biodiversity and conservation.
Activities will involve a conservation talk and guided tour at Kew Gardens, visits to London Aquarium, the Natural History Museum and rat Dissection and live animal handling.
Exploring Physics and Engineering

Experience some applications of physics in the real world and what studying at university might be like.
Day 1: Visit Brooklands Museum in Weybridge and have a guided tour of the museum in the morning and group activity in the afternoon.
Day 2: Visit Royal Holloway University in Egham and have a tour of the university and experience what studying physics at university might be like with a lab session.
Day 3: Visit Greenwich Observatory in London. A trip on the river bus to Greenwich Observatory, have a tour of the observatory and a planetarium show (subject to availability).
Exploring Psychology in London

This course consists of three day trips in and around London, designed to give you an insight into different areas of Psychology.
On Day 1 (Monday 10th July) you will visit London Zoo, where you will study animal learning and intelligence.
On Day 2 (Tuesday 11th July) you will visit the Freud Museum, where you will discover the story of psychoanalysis.
Day 3 (Thursday 13th July) is Brain Day, where Dr Guy Sutton will stimulate and enrich your understanding of the brain through lectures, discussions, experimental design, computer-based work and interactive dissection.
You will need to organise your own transport to and from London Zoo and the Freud Museum.
Introduction to Counselling and Freud

A practical course for anyone interested in learning about the skills of effective counselling and support.
Day 1 and 2: on site introduction to counselling course
Day 3: Visit to the Freud Museum, London
Learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript With Free CodeCamp

You will learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript, working through the Free CodeCamp curriculum. You will begin working on the Responsive Web Design and JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certifications; you will be able to complete these in your own time after the course.
Maths and Science In The Real World

Develop problem solving, presentation, teamwork and discussion skills. Learn about real world applications of maths and science; use encryption and learn about the Enigma code and explore STEM career opportunities.
Day 1: In college investigating some of the Maths behind the things we will see during the next couple of days and involve a team building activity and a cryptography talk on ciphers and encryption by a guest speaker from Royal Holloway, University of London.
Day 2: Visit to Bletchley Park (once the top-secret home of the World War Two Enigma codebreakers). We will meet at Euston station and take the train.
Day 3: Visit to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich to find out about the maths and science of the planets and galaxies and to explore careers open to maths and science students. We will meet at Greenwich station.
Non A Level Curriculum Maths

An introductory course to some mathematical ideas (both fun and practical) that are not covered on the A level Maths curriculum.