Portfolio guidance for applicants wanting to pursue an arts-based course at Esher Sixth Form College who don’t have the specified/relevant GCSE.

Fashion student standing with garment on mannequin

Who is this document for?
This document is only for students who don’t have the specified/relevant Arts based GCSE subjects to take the following courses:

Art (Fine Art) A Level
Graphic Communication A Level
Fashion and Textiles A Level
3D Design A Level
Photography A Level
Art and Design BTEC Extended Certificate and Diploma  

It is important that you look at our website for entry qualifications for the Arts courses to find out the specifics.

Why do I need to create a portfolio?
We have to make sure that you will enjoy the course and that you have the foundation skills to be able to manage A Level/BTEC Level 3. We don’t want to set any students up to fail, and it is our responsibility to make sure that you are on the right courses for you, and where you can shine. We know that some schools don’t offer some creative GCSEs as an option and that while you are interested in taking an Arts based course at Esher, you might be coming to us without the Arts course requirements.

What do I need to do?
To study any of the creative courses above, without the specified GCSE, you will need to bring a portfolio of work to enrolment, to show the Head of Department if you want to study an Arts course but don’t have the required Art subject at GCSE.

Entry onto a course, without a GCSE in a relevant/specified arts subject, will be subject to a discussion with the course leader, on presentation of the portfolio. The portfolio won’t guarantee entry onto the course.

There are different requirements for different portfolios.

IMPORTANT: You only have to produce the portfolio work for the course that you are keen on studying.

However, if you are undecided between courses, we advise that you complete portfolios for the different subjects that you are interested in.

Art (Fine Art) A Level

Portfolio for application without previously studying GCSE Art

We expect students to be able to show the following artwork as a physical portfolio in the form of a sketchbook and works on paper.

Create at least x20 sketchbook pages A4 or A3

  • Drawings from observation (looking at real things/people as opposed to copying photographs) using a range of media e.g. pencil, pen, ink, charcoal etc. Consider composition carefully, select your subject matter thoughtfully.
  • Visit at least one gallery/exhibition – Make pages in your sketchbook including printed images of the artists work which you particularly like.  Include the name of the gallery, artists, artwork and dates made.Write a critique of the artwork, describe specific art works using your own personal opinions, explain what it is that you particularly like about the work, explain how it makes you feel.
    www.timeout.com/london/art/top-10-art-exhibitions-in-london Consider visiting a gallery which you have not visited before. Please do not copy artists’ works, instead make your own practical artwork inspired by it.
  • In addition to the sketchbook, we would like to see more sustained art works which have been made out of the sketchbook. For example: photographs of three-dimensional works, paintings, printmaking, textiles, photography, larger scale drawing etc.
  • It is also very important that you have ideas for making your own artwork. We would like you to be able to tell us about the artwork which inspires you, and listen to you explain what you are particularly interested in. Think about this so you are prepared for when we meet you.

If you are feeling stuck, and don’t know where to begin start by sketching and drawing the people around you.  Draw people watching T.V or reading a book from direct observation.  You could make a small project based on everyday life, overlooked everyday items in your home.  Work from unusual angles and viewpoints. Use artists and photographers work as inspiration.

Good luck!

Graphic Communication A Level

Portfolio for application without previously studying GCSE Art & Design and/or any Design and Technology related GCSE (Resistance Materials, Food, Graphic Products, Textiles)

Please complete the following design briefs to show when you come in for enrolment:

A pet food company are launching a new brand called ‘Dingo Dog Treats’ aimed at capturing a
fun, friendly and healthy plant-based treat for dogs to enjoy.
The company would like you produce design ideas to help launch this brand.

Produce the following:

  • 5 x design ideas for Logo designs for the new brand
  • 5 x design ideas for Packaging designs for the new brand
  • 5 x adverting Poster designs for the new brand (these can be portrait or landscape orientation).

Your designs can be hand-drawn, produced on CAD or be a mixture of both but we would like to
see your creativity and imagination in the designs.

Good Luck!

3D Design A Level

Portfolio for application without previously studying GCSE Art & Design and/or any Design and Technology related GCSE (Resistance Materials, Food, Graphic Products, Textiles)

3D Design Course Entry Portfolio

Please complete the following design briefs to show when you come in for enrolment:

  • 3 x new design concepts for a dog kennel
  • 3 x designs for a sports water bottle
  • 3 x designs for a new children’s toy

Then, we’d like you to consider this:
If Nike made a vacuum cleaner, what would it look like?

Produce 3 x different design concepts

Research is also an important part of the course. We’d like you to research Art Deco furniture
and a find out a bit about the Art Deco movement. We’d then like you to produce, based on
inspiration and your ideas too:

3 x designs for an Art Deco inspired chair

Your designs can be hand-drawn, produced on CAD or modelled but we would like to see your
creativity and imagination in the designs.

Good luck!

Fashion and Textiles A Level

Portfolio for application without previously studying a GCSE Art and Design subject or GCSE Fashion and Textiles

Please complete the following to show when you come in for enrolment:

  • 3 x Observational drawings, 1 using colour medium – these might be of people, objects, still life,
    buildings etc. as you wish.
  • 3 x fashion designs, 1 x using a different coloured medium (i.e. not just black ink drawing)
  • 1 x Research page on your favourite fashion designer (this should be A3 in size and include
    information about the designer:
    – their background
    – their work
    – some of their inspirations i.e. what has inspired them and their designs
    – there should be a written element of around 400 words, and images of their designs
    – you may also like to include a design, that you have produced, inspired by the work of your
    favourite designer

We would also love to see:

  • Any garments/examples of sewing you have made yourself
  • Any textiles you have made yourself

Good Luck!

Art and Design BTEC Diploma or Extended Certificate

If you have not previously studied GCSE Art you will need to demonstrate your ability to cope with
the course by providing the following evidence.

Create a minimum of 20 x sketchbook pages ideally in an A3 sketchbook but A4 would be
acceptable, that includes the following –

A) Evidence of your ability to draw from observation
ideally using a range of media e.g. pencil, fine-line pen, dip-pen/brush and Indian ink, etc.
Introduce colour if you feel confident – watercolour washed over pencil/waterproof fine-line pen
for example. Try some of the following –
1. Objects – try drawing a range of single objects – fruit, vegetables, kitchen tools/implements
(whisk, colander, teapot, etc).
2. Still Life – set up a small still life arrangement of some of these objects – fruit in a bowl and
spilling out onto a table surface for example.
3. People – try drawing members of your family or friends from observation (not using
photographs) or attempt to capture (drawing) people you see when you’re out and about (find a
spot to sit and observe – cafés are ideal for this activity).
4. Buildings, street scenes or landscapes – don’t worry if your lines are bit wobbly when
drawing buildings, try to capture the details that give the building its character – more ornate
buildings give you lots of interesting things to draw.

Top tips:
Try planning how you will compose (arrange) the elements of your drawings on the page using a
small rough sketch before you start the actual drawing.

Try filling some pages with one drawing and on other pages drawing multiple objects/elements
on the same page.

B) Evidence of some creative ideas and material experimentation – this could be in
form of one or a number of the following. You don’t have to produce all of this but some
examples of one or two would be helpful:
1. Paintings (portraits, landscapes, abstract pieces) you have made outside of your sketchbook.
2. 3D work – a sculptural piece in clay or a model you have built from scratch for example.
3. Textile or fashion item – appliqué perhaps, where different fabrics are stitched over another
layer of fabric to form a pattern, patchwork or image, or a garment you have designed and
4. Photographs you have taken of a particular subject or an experimental film you have shot.
5. Graphic Design/Illustration that you have created using software such as
Procreate/Photoshop, etc. A fan magazine (Zine) you have created about something you are
interested or inspired by; promotional images for a band you know or play in; or a series of
illustrations you have made based on a book you’ve read.
We need to see that you are already engaged in practical creativity of some kind will support
your application by showing us you are genuinely interested in this subject.

C) Finally, we will also expect you to have visited some galleries and museums
Tate Modern, Tate Britain, The National Gallery etc. all have free entry to their permanent
collections. You will need to have visited at least one of these and be able to talk about what you
have seen at enrolment/interview

Good luck!




Photography A Level

Portfolio for application without previously studying GCSE Art, Photography or Media at GCSE

If you have not previously studied Photography, Art or Media at GCSE, and you have applied to for Photography A Level you MUST complete an A Level Photography Portfolio Task to bring with you on your Enrolment Day.

Please download the A Level Photography Portfolio Task at the bottom of this page.

Good luck!

Photography A Level

A Level Photography Portfolio Task File information
A Level Photography Portfolio Task A Level Photography Portfolio Task docx 336 KB