Celebrating 12 Oxbridge Offers for Our Students
We are thrilled to announce that 12 of our students have received provisional offers from Oxford and Cambridge—five for Oxford and seven for Cambridge!

This year’s offers are spread across a diverse range of subjects:
- Oxford: History & Politics, French & Spanish, Engineering, Fine Art and English Literature & Language
- Cambridge: Geography (2), Engineering, Mathematics (2), Modern & Mediaeval Languages, and Music
The College’s success rate—measured as applications to offers—stands at 18.75%, surpassing the national average of 16.66% by almost 2%.
Helen Humphreys, Head of Geography and Oxbridge Coordinator, expressed pride in the students’ efforts,
“We are hugely proud of all the students who take up the challenge to apply to an Oxbridge college and whilst not all are successful, we hope the process they go through to investigate their subject more widely and challenge themselves to take additional assessments and interviews helps them develop a range of skills, knowledge and resilience that will help them be successful undergraduates regardless of where they study.”
We extend our warmest congratulations to our successful offer-holders and look forward to supporting them as they take their next steps towards university!